Cosmetic Dental Care

Composite Restorations

Composite restorations are tooth-colored fillings.  Unlike amalgam (silver) fillings, these fillings mimic your natural tooth color and make them virtually invisible and very esthetic.


While crowns may be needed for certain teeth that have cracks or large amounts of decay, they can also be used on teeth for an improved esthetic appearance.  Crowns are dental restorations that completely cover the natural tooth to strengthen, protect, and improve the appearance of the tooth. A variety of materials are available for crowns, such as gold, porcelain, or a combination of materials.  Porcelain crowns offer the most natural-looking results.


A veneer is a very thin dental restoration that covers only part of a tooth, mostly the front surface.  They are available to mask tooth stains, conceal gaps, or make slightly crooked teeth appear straight.  Almost anyone can be a candidate for veneers, unless you have tooth decay or gum disease, and these issues would have to be addressed first.

Tooth Whitening

Add some sparkle to your smile with tooth whitening!  A variety of options are available for whitening your teeth.  A budget-friendly and long-lasting option is a take-home kit.  We can provide you with custom-fit whitening trays used with a professional strength bleaching gel.  Since the kit is fabricated by the dentist, it is safe and offers superior results. 

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